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溫哥華街坊會恒常義工申請表 VKA Regular Volunteer Application Form

申請資格 Application Eligibility

義務精神:您必須願意以義工身份參與我們的活動或項目,不會收到任何報酬。 承諾:您必須具備足夠的時間和資源去履行義務的責任至少6個月。 溝通:你必須願意安裝並定期檢查Signal應用程式的信息,以獲取義工重要通訊及更新。 法律要求:您必須遵守BC省的法律和規定。
Please ensure that you meet the following criteria before completing the application:
Volunteer Spirit: You must be willing to participate in our activities or projects as a volunteer without compensation. Commitment: You must be able to commit to a minimum of 6 months, have the time & resources to fulfill volunteer responsibilities effectively. Communication: You must be willing to install and regularly check the Signal app for messages concerning important volunteer communications and updates. Legal Requirements: You must comply with laws and regulations in British Columbia.

收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement

We take privacy seriously and collect only pertinent data for volunteer applications to understand backgrounds and for contact purposes. Your personal information's security and confidentiality are ensured, and we won't disclose it without legal requirements or consent. Providing your information is voluntary, but lack of necessary data may hinder application processing. Submitting the form indicates agreement to this statement. Contact us with any questions.
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